All Sky Cam France
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All Sky Cam France


Le premier forum Sky Camera francophone. Détection vidéo d'événements lumineux céleste, rentrées atmosphérique, météores, foudre, TLE, PAN.

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Tri des images?

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1Tri des images? Empty Tri des images? Mar 8 Oct 2019 - 13:44



Comment vous faites pour trier vos images? voilà ci-dessous ce que ça me donne, il y a pas mal d'avions et ça considère certaines traces comme des météores.
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2Tri des images? Empty Re: Tri des images? Mer 9 Oct 2019 - 10:48



Curieux sur ma caméra les avions sont assez bien discriminés... peu être juste 2 ou 3 images par soir.

Dans ton fichier RMS.config tu as les même parametre que moi?


; Minimum number of stars required in order to run the detection
ff_min_stars = 20

; Binning (only supported for videos, images, and vid files, but no FF files!)
; -------
; Bin images before detection (has to be a factor of 2, e.g. 2, 4, 8, etc.). The X, Y coordiantes in
; detections will be rescaled to the original size. 1 = do not bin.
detection_binning_factor: 1
; The image can be binned by either averaging ('avg') or summing ('sum') pixel intensities in the bin window.
; Note that the output image data type is uint16, so be careful of integer overflows when using "sum" method!
detection_binning_method: avg

; Thresholding and KHT parameters
; -------------------------------
; Weight for stddev in thresholding for faint meteor detection
k1: 3.0
; Absolute levels above average in thresholding for faint meteor detection
j1: 12
; Maximum ratio of white to all pixels on a thresholded image (used to avoid searching on very messed up
; images)
max_white_ratio: 0.05
; Size of the time window which will be slided over the time axis
time_window_size: 64
; Subdivision size of the time axis (256 will be divided into 256/time_slide parts)
time_slide: 32
; Maximum number of lines to be found on the time segment with KHT
max_lines_det: 30
; Minimum Frechet distance between KHT lines in Cartesian space to merge them (used for merging similar
; lines after KHT)
line_min_dist: 50
; Width of the stripe around the line which will be used for centroiding and photometry
stripe_width: 28

3Tri des images? Empty Re: Tri des images? Mer 9 Oct 2019 - 18:59




J'ai la même chose, je n'ai pas fait de calibration car je suis en nomade avec la camera instable au bord de la fenêtre.

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